Home Blogs Why self-development books are not good for you-Part II

Why self-development books are not good for you-Part II

Why self-development books are not good for you-Part II

Are you sick of reading self help books written by the person who says they have a Ferrari, 7 figure income and just by reading the book, you can be the same?

So you tried to do business “by the book”, and it did not work?

Of course, it didn’t. The book never sold anything except the book. People tend to turn to books for advice or learn how to improve their lives, their business or get a new skill without direct help from others. It must be good if a successful person writes a book, right? It might be a good read, but will it get you where you want to be and will it teach you how to get there?

Never do it “by the book”.

Because the book is not meant to help, its purpose is to sell, so the author makes money off people who prefer buying a book rather than hiring an expert to solve a problem for them. Small business owners can not always use the advice given by prominent corporate leaders. Big corporate leaders do not read books on how to manage a business.

Self-improvement books rarely tend to be helpful.

The repetitive and vague ideas usually sound like inspirational quotes rather than helpful information. Those that give good advice are generally written by prominent leaders for other big leaders. So what could a small entrepreneur learn from a big CEO? Big CEO “solutions” for big CEO problems, so nothing useful.

Does this mean that successful people read these books?

They do, and I am one of them. We don’t find them useful for the day to day crap we all have to go through to improve. We are too busy learning things efficient way. In our years of experience, we have most probably read self-improvement books to realize how little value they add. So, after so much wasted time reading, we eventually turned to experts to learn knowledge applicable or our businesses and how to change things.

Always do it “by the trainer”.

People who succeed in life learn that the best way to improve is by getting help from experts and real trainers. Talking about your problem is the best way to solve it. Stop wasting your time and contact me so we can start improving your business rather than read about other people improving theirs.

Boyd Mayover is the Founder of The BM Group, a training company that has helped over 540 negotiators in 2020/2021 improve conversion rates, gain great reviews and boost profits.

01923 85 5427 www.boydmayover.com boyd@boydmayover.com