Home Blogs Why self-development books are not good for you-Part I

Why self-development books are not good for you-Part I

Why self-development books are not good for you-Part I
Everyone has turned their eyes on business, sales, and entrepreneurship at some point in their lives. Maybe because of pure curiosity, perhaps because they needed another source of income or just a career change for some reason. Of course, when you decide to make a career change, we believe you do not have to go back to university or start reading a lot of self-development books.

That is where people are wrong.

They turn to YouTube videos, to podcasts where they encounter quotes like “If you really want something, you will get it” or “Be the change you want to see in the world”, or they decide to turn to personal development books about sales. This is a terrible mistake. Why is that a terrible mistake? Because they sell bullshit. They make a living out of you buying their books. They usually sell you some general ideas or outdated general business strategies that you may have no chance of using in your business plan.

Every business is different, has different needs, different cultures, different branding.

There is no easy way of maintaining a company, and there is no straight line. Books sell you things like “10 steps of having a successful business”, which do not exist. Even Apple had its ups and downs before becoming one of the most successful companies in the world. Of course, some sales books are good. The problem is you have to eat the meal and get food poisoning before realising it was no good and then start again.

Furthermore, you waste a lot of time if you read books like that instead of doing something with an end goal. We all know what we should do. I will show you how to do it! What you need to do is to hire a sales trainer like me and make a structured plan. I can help you adapt and understand how to make the changes you need to be a superstar. Stop wasting time and money on things that do not bring you any advantage, and use them to expand your horizons. Instead of looking at another business, use that time to develop your own. My courses are interactive and are designed around your business to help you achieve your goals. Give me a call. What have you got to lose?

Boyd Mayover: 07970 514598/ 01923 85 5427