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Leadership Styles


It is a well-known fact that great leaders provide their followers with directions, help them implement and improve plans, and motivate them to become better personally and professionally. But, did you ever ask yourself how many styles of leadership exist?

The most well-known styles are:

1. Authoritarian Leadership

In this particular style, the leader has a straightforward approach, imposing his expectations from the beginning and helping the team achieve the expected outcomes. This leadership style comes in handy when people need clear guidelines and someone to keep them straight to the path.


2. Participative leadership leader is always involving the team members in the decisions. He makes them feel included and gives them the freedom to make their feelings known regarding any event that takes place within the projects of the company/group.


3. Delegative Leadership

This style focuses more on delegating tasks to the team members rather than accomplishing them yourself. 


4. Transactional Leadership

This is the style which focuses more on the reward/punishment method. The goals are set from the beginning, and the team members know that they will receive an award if they get the job done following the established routine.


5. Transformational Leadership

The style that focuses on inspiration. The leader is the role model, the person everyone aspires to be. He encourages, empowers and gives a vision to the people he leads.


Which type of leadership suits you best?

Do you want to learn more? Let’s get in touch!

Boyd Mayover is the Founder of The BM Group, a training company that has helped over 540 negotiators in 2020/2021 improve conversion rates, gain great reviews and boost profits.

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