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How to reunite a collapsed team

How to reunite a collapsed team

Teamwork sounds easy in theory but can very often be a mess. When motivation levels fall below sea level, and people start arguing, productivity will likely drop as well. In such moments of crisis, a good leader needs to know how to reunite a collapsed team. Here you have a few pieces of advice any leader should know.

1. Let your team know what they are fighting for.

A team with a common purpose makes a great team. They must never forget that they are working together to achieve success and not competing against each other.

2. Don’t let anyone fall from their track

Each member has a particular role and their own tasks for a reason. They are usually the best at it and other colleagues should not intervene unless they are asked to. When people start doing other people’s jobs everything becomes a mess, no one knows what they should be doing and the team becomes inefficient.

3. Define procedures clearly.

Does every member know exactly what to do, who to go to for any question, how to solve different problems, and where to find any necessary documents? Because if not, there is a big problem. If people don’t know exactly what to do in each scenario they will ignore the second advice and your team will slowly start falling apart as people get more and more frustrated.

4. Improve relationships and communication

I can’t stress this enough, but bad communication leads to poor relationships which will slowly collapse a team. People need to feel like they are a team without being reminded constantly. They must want and like to work together, not feel like they are obliged to do it. It has been found that participation in decision making, teamwork, and choosing your own colleagues are more efficient in motivating a team than very good working conditions and financial incentives.

Boyd Mayover is the Founder of The BM Group, a training company that has helped over 540 negotiators in 2020/2021 improve conversion rates, gain great reviews and boost profits.

01923 85 5427 www.boydmayover.com boyd@boydmayover.com