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Tonality and body language


Nowadays, you hear the saying, “Your body language and your tonality says more about you than your words ever could”, in every setting you are in. 

An overstatement or an understatement?

Just a fact. Why?

  1.  Your tone of voice dictates the meaning of what you are saying.

How is that possible? In day-to-day life, we tend to be able to control what words we use and with whom when communicating, but that cannot be said about the tone. And it is a shame because in the workplace, or even in one’s personal life, this can cause many issues. Imagine that someone speaks with you disinterested, bored or grumpy way. You do not feel the urge to do anything with or for him, in addition to the fact that their image in your eyes changes completely. Another situation to imagine is that your boss is having a presentation and his voice shakes constantly. Do you keep listening?

2.   Your body talks more than you do.

If you go to an interview, and you are shaking from every end, it is evident that you are anxious and afraid. If you are conducting a speech by clenching your fists or poking your fingers, your audience can see you are nervous. If a student loses his voice during his dissertation presentation, it is obvious that he is not entirely sure about the chosen subject.


Do you want to learn more? Let’s get in touch! Boyd Mayover is the Founder of The BM Group, a training company that has helped over 540 negotiators in 2020/2021 improve conversion rates, gain great reviews and boost profits.

01923 85 5427



Leadership Styles


It is a well-known fact that great leaders provide their followers with directions, help them implement and improve plans, and motivate them to become better personally and professionally. But, did you ever ask yourself how many styles of leadership exist?

The most well-known styles are:

1. Authoritarian Leadership

In this particular style, the leader has a straightforward approach, imposing his expectations from the beginning and helping the team achieve the expected outcomes. This leadership style comes in handy when people need clear guidelines and someone to keep them straight to the path.


2. Participative leadership leader is always involving the team members in the decisions. He makes them feel included and gives them the freedom to make their feelings known regarding any event that takes place within the projects of the company/group.


3. Delegative Leadership

This style focuses more on delegating tasks to the team members rather than accomplishing them yourself. 


4. Transactional Leadership

This is the style which focuses more on the reward/punishment method. The goals are set from the beginning, and the team members know that they will receive an award if they get the job done following the established routine.


5. Transformational Leadership

The style that focuses on inspiration. The leader is the role model, the person everyone aspires to be. He encourages, empowers and gives a vision to the people he leads.


Which type of leadership suits you best?

Do you want to learn more? Let’s get in touch!

Boyd Mayover is the Founder of The BM Group, a training company that has helped over 540 negotiators in 2020/2021 improve conversion rates, gain great reviews and boost profits.

01923 85 5427




Attitude and mindset


Have you ever considered how important your attitude and mindset are in reaching your personal and business goals?

Allow us to explain to you why.

1. Relationships

Both in personal and professional life, you establish all sorts of relationships. How you meet and treat people is the base of how they will turn out. If you treat your clients with no respect and consideration because you have a bad day, it is a big possibility that they will suspend their project with your company and search for someone else.

2. Approaching a task

Business owners and CEOs have a lot of admin work and complicated tasks to do because the company’s base stays on their shoulders. You are doomed for failure if you take on a job thinking that you would rather sleep or delegate it to someone with less knowledge than yourself without giving them the necessary support.

3. Health

Your health is essential. Both mental and physical health. Take care of it. What you think is always going to influence how you feel. If you start your day feeling miserable, this is how your day will feel too. You will not have the motivation to do anything, and the fact that you will not get anything done will make you feel even worse.

Change your attitude and mindset to change your fate. Do you want to learn how? Let’s get in touch!

Boyd Mayover is the Founder of The BM Group, a training company that has helped over 540 negotiators in 2020/2021 improve conversion rates, gain great reviews and boost profits.

01923 85 5427



How do you develop the relationship with your clients?


Even though someone is choosing you to help them with their business, the next time they need help, it is not always sure that they will pick you again.

So, how do you ensure that you are always your client’s first choice? You need to maintain a great relationship with them. And how do you that?

  • Strong communication

Effective communication should be the main priority when entering a contract. Why? Because you need to make sure that you understand your client’s wishes, what they are looking for, what they lack, and what you can offer them. Of course, you must align with their values and vision of future endeavours.

  • Positive attitude.

It goes without saying that when you have a positive attitude, you live a happier life. No one wants to do business with someone who is grumpy all the time and does not seem to enjoy what they are doing. Business owners avoid working with people that give off negative vibes.

  • Be open-minded 

To build long-lasting relationships with your clients, they need to be able to respect and value your opinion. Even though you are the expert, you need to understand their visions to achieve the best outcome for the project in question.

Do you struggle with keeping your clients close? Let’s get in touch!

Boyd Mayover is the Founder of The BM Group, a training company that has helped over 540 negotiators in 2020/2021 improve conversion rates, gain great reviews and boost profits.

01923 85 5427



What to do if clients say your product is too expensive


Question: Dear Boyd, often my prospective customers say that my product is too expensive and I find this difficult to overcome, as we are more expensive than our competitors. My boss won’t allow us to drop our prices so I’m losing loads of deals. Any ideas? This is extremely common in sales, and it’s all about adding value instead of dropping your price.

Think about it: what does the say ‘too expensive‘ mean? There are four meanings available; firstly, they can’t afford it. Secondly, they don’t see the value. Thirdly, they have seen it cheaper elsewhere, or finally, they are negotiating. Therefore my first question to your prospective customer when they say “you are too expensive” would be, “what are you comparing us against?” Please remember that the answer you got might not be accurate.

Why not try this and be prepared to hear something you don’t want to: “If our price was the same as **, who would you choose?” If they say you, then sell the difference. If they don’t say they would choose your brand, THE PRICE WAS NOT THE PROBLEM. For argument’s sake, let’s imagine your product is £1,000 and one of your competitors is £700, so your prospective customer compares you to that competitor.

It would help if you found out what the prospective customer gets for £700, get them to list out everything that’s included in that price. Your job now is to sell all the additional benefits you bring to the table FOR ONLY £300! SELL THE DIFFERENCE. You are no longer talking about £1,000; you are simply selling yourselves for £300. It’s scarce that both your and your competitors’ offerings are identical, so you should be able to find at least three examples of additional benefits that you can offer over and above your competition.

Boyd Mayover is the Founder of The BM Group, a training company that has helped over 540 negotiators in 2020/2021 improve conversion rates, gain great reviews and boost profits.

01923 85 5427 www.boydmayover.com boyd@boydmayover.com

How to reunite a collapsed team


Teamwork sounds easy in theory but can very often be a mess. When motivation levels fall below sea level, and people start arguing, productivity will likely drop as well. In such moments of crisis, a good leader needs to know how to reunite a collapsed team. Here you have a few pieces of advice any leader should know.

1. Let your team know what they are fighting for.

A team with a common purpose makes a great team. They must never forget that they are working together to achieve success and not competing against each other.

2. Don’t let anyone fall from their track

Each member has a particular role and their own tasks for a reason. They are usually the best at it and other colleagues should not intervene unless they are asked to. When people start doing other people’s jobs everything becomes a mess, no one knows what they should be doing and the team becomes inefficient.

3. Define procedures clearly.

Does every member know exactly what to do, who to go to for any question, how to solve different problems, and where to find any necessary documents? Because if not, there is a big problem. If people don’t know exactly what to do in each scenario they will ignore the second advice and your team will slowly start falling apart as people get more and more frustrated.

4. Improve relationships and communication

I can’t stress this enough, but bad communication leads to poor relationships which will slowly collapse a team. People need to feel like they are a team without being reminded constantly. They must want and like to work together, not feel like they are obliged to do it. It has been found that participation in decision making, teamwork, and choosing your own colleagues are more efficient in motivating a team than very good working conditions and financial incentives.

Boyd Mayover is the Founder of The BM Group, a training company that has helped over 540 negotiators in 2020/2021 improve conversion rates, gain great reviews and boost profits.

01923 85 5427 www.boydmayover.com boyd@boydmayover.com

Be a leader, not a boss!


Many people confuse the success of a manager with the role he or she holds. Just because you are the boss theoretically, doesn’t mean you are the leader of the team.

“Boss” is a title given to you, while “leader” is a descriptor you have to earn, that’s why you should understand what are the steps to becoming an effective leader. 

True leaders strive for excellence and do their best to produce results. 

They take responsibility for themselves and the team and support their decisions and actions. The best leaders are deeply committed to continuous improvement and lifelong learning. For them it is not just about the immediate goals that need to be achieved, but more about how the work done leads to long-term development for the team members.

It’s about guiding, mentoring and coaching, not telling, controlling and micromanaging.

A new style leader knows that leadership is all about your people being inspired by you, not intimidated by you. Here are some essential things to keep in mind: always show by example, lead, do not push, make sure you do and say the same thing, if you have a bad day acknowledge it, if it goes wrong look at yourself, when it goes right let others know you appreciate it, admit when you have got it wrong – if you do this it will encourage others to do the same this will give you the feedback you need.

Do you want to transform from a boss into a leader?

It is easier to come into a team by being a leader and it’s much harder to turn from boss to leader. The first step towards becoming a leader is understanding the characteristics that distinguish a leader from a boss. Good leaders try something different, have very clear plans and goals, understand their people, while bad ones don’t organise, fear their people, always indulge the “difficult star performer”. Which one do you want to be?

To have the best results in leading your team to success and growing your company, contact me now!

Boyd Mayover is the Founder of The BM Group, a training company that has helped over 540 negotiators in 2020/2021 improve conversion rates, gain great reviews and boost profits.

01923 85 5427 www.boydmayover.com boyd@boydmayover.com

The £7000 pizza


Who knows how much a pizza costs nowadays? Of course, not £7000! Well, it can be and let me explain

why and for who it costs £7000 minimum.

My wife and I have had friends over on Sunday night for film and pizza night for the last few years. It’s something we all enjoy. I pay for the pizza; they bring booze, and we either binge Netflix or watch a film. It’s great fun. We are relaxed eating off our laps, my wife makes some great desserts, and we know that Sunday night is Pizza and Film night. We usually order 4 pizzas, dough balls, some salads, soft drinks etc., typically come to roughly £65 and without naming them, let’s say it comes from Pizza E and is delivered by one of the delivery companies that everyone uses nowadays.

As I said earlier, we regularly did this for over 2 years with virtually no problems at all.

One night that all changed.

The delivery was due at 7.30 pm and turned up at 8.30 pm STONE COLD. I phoned Pizza E immediately and asked them what had happened and why the pizzas were cold. The person who replied said, “I wouldn’t know I didn’t deliver them.” Pissed off by this remark, I asked to speak to the manager. A lady came on the phone and told me after hearing my story, “It’s really not my problem, sir, as we fulfilled our side of the bargain, take it up with a company that delivered.” I replied, “Do you really think that’s how you want to deal with a regular customer” She replied, “Yes, it is. I’ve told you it’s not my problem.”

I put the phone down, phoned the delivery company

who immediately refunded me for the meal and apologised for the upset. At that moment, I decided to never use Pizza E again and use Pizza H instead. What pathetic customer service: No apology, nothing just pushes the blame to someone else. It’s not about the money for me. It’s about cold pizzas and a complete lack of common sense or customer care. So, let’s look at the end game. I spent an average of £60 per week with Pizza E. My friend spent no more than £10 on average. Over the year it comes to £3500 (2 weeks off).

Over the next 2 years, we spent around £7000, which the idiot manager refused Pizza E, and has gone on to Pizza H instead. It’s interesting to note that after 3 months we had a delivery that was wrong from Pizza H. When we phoned,

they were apologetic, said they would personally deliver the shortfall, and took 50% off the bill without being asked. What a difference customer care makes to the customer and the turnover!

Boyd Mayover is the Founder of The BM Group, a training company that has helped over 540 negotiators in 2020/2021 improve conversion rates, gain great reviews and boost profits.

01923 85 5427 www.boydmayover.com boyd@boydmayover.com

Why self-development books are not good for you-Part II


Are you sick of reading self help books written by the person who says they have a Ferrari, 7 figure income and just by reading the book, you can be the same?

So you tried to do business “by the book”, and it did not work?

Of course, it didn’t. The book never sold anything except the book. People tend to turn to books for advice or learn how to improve their lives, their business or get a new skill without direct help from others. It must be good if a successful person writes a book, right? It might be a good read, but will it get you where you want to be and will it teach you how to get there?

Never do it “by the book”.

Because the book is not meant to help, its purpose is to sell, so the author makes money off people who prefer buying a book rather than hiring an expert to solve a problem for them. Small business owners can not always use the advice given by prominent corporate leaders. Big corporate leaders do not read books on how to manage a business.

Self-improvement books rarely tend to be helpful.

The repetitive and vague ideas usually sound like inspirational quotes rather than helpful information. Those that give good advice are generally written by prominent leaders for other big leaders. So what could a small entrepreneur learn from a big CEO? Big CEO “solutions” for big CEO problems, so nothing useful.

Does this mean that successful people read these books?

They do, and I am one of them. We don’t find them useful for the day to day crap we all have to go through to improve. We are too busy learning things efficient way. In our years of experience, we have most probably read self-improvement books to realize how little value they add. So, after so much wasted time reading, we eventually turned to experts to learn knowledge applicable or our businesses and how to change things.

Always do it “by the trainer”.

People who succeed in life learn that the best way to improve is by getting help from experts and real trainers. Talking about your problem is the best way to solve it. Stop wasting your time and contact me so we can start improving your business rather than read about other people improving theirs.

Boyd Mayover is the Founder of The BM Group, a training company that has helped over 540 negotiators in 2020/2021 improve conversion rates, gain great reviews and boost profits.

01923 85 5427 www.boydmayover.com boyd@boydmayover.com

The greatest sales story ever


About 10 years ago, unfortunately, my dad passed away, and as an only child, he left me his flat. I wanted to sell it, but other events occurred, and 15 months later, finally, we were about to sell.

The deal was all agreed,

and we needed to sell it, as 8 years earlier, I encouraged my parents to take out the Equity release, which meant they had a nice lump sum, lived a great life for their last few years and made no repayments at all. I would repay the loan (which rolled up) on the sale of the property that had to be made 18 months after the death of my parents.

Pleasant and straightforward, you might think. The day of the exchange arrived. However, I was in Dallas on business, and the time difference made it virtually impossible for me to attend to any last-minute hitches.

My wife agreed to deal with the solicitors

 and the estate agents for me and was very confident it was just a matter of a phone call telling us the deal was done. Please bear in mind the price and everything was all agreed upon weeks earlier.

At 09.10 on the morning of the exchange, my wife got a call from the estate agent who said: “Mr P**** wants £10,000 off the price or the deal is off”.

My wife said: “Firstly, I am unhappy that you are meant to be acting in my favour and should have told him how unethical his behaviour is. Secondly, please tell him I will not give him one penny off, and if he doesn’t exchange by 4pm I will take the flat off the market”. The agent said, “OK”.

13.05, my wife gets a call from the agent again: “Mr P**** said you’ve probably got a mortgage on it and are in a chain so he knows that you will give him something off”. 

My wife’s response was remarkable:

Tell Mr P**** that I don’t have a mortgage. I’m not in a chain, and I don’t care if I sell it or not. In fact, tell him, unless I hear from my solicitor at 4.00 pm, that the deal is done, I am adding £10,000 on the price and will not sell to him unless he pays the extra £10,000. Tell Mr P*** Tick Tock” and slammed the phone down.

15.50, the phone rings. It’s our solicitor on the phone: “What did you say to the buyer Tina? I’ve had them on the phone in a blind panic to exchange. They paid the funds already and are also begging me to do the deal”.

Tina said, “Thanks”.

The estate agent rang to tell her the good news, but I can’t put in print what she said to him as it might cause grown men to cry. Suffice to say; he knew where he stood.

She told me the story when I got home, and I hugged her. I told her she was the best salesperson I’d come across in years and that I was delighted shed done the deal as the mortgage had to be paid off in 6 weeks. 

She said: “WHAT MORTGAGE?” and I said: the one my mum and dad took out that we have to pay”. She responded: “Bloody hell, I forgot all about that! Good job I didn’t know as I probably would have buckled and given him the £10,000 off. In fact I definitely would have buckled”.

Doesn’t this tell you everything you need to know about sales?

It’s so much about what’s in our heads. It’s not what you should do; it’s HOW you do it that matters and where your head is at.

No more words are needed. 

Boyd Mayover is the Founder of The BM Group, a training company that has helped over 540 negotiators in 2020/2021 improve conversion rates, gain great reviews and boost profits.

01923 85 5427 www.boydmayover.com boyd@boydmayover.com