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Be a leader, not a boss!

Be a leader, not a boss!

Many people confuse the success of a manager with the role he or she holds. Just because you are the boss theoretically, doesn’t mean you are the leader of the team.

“Boss” is a title given to you, while “leader” is a descriptor you have to earn, that’s why you should understand what are the steps to becoming an effective leader. 

True leaders strive for excellence and do their best to produce results. 

They take responsibility for themselves and the team and support their decisions and actions. The best leaders are deeply committed to continuous improvement and lifelong learning. For them it is not just about the immediate goals that need to be achieved, but more about how the work done leads to long-term development for the team members.

It’s about guiding, mentoring and coaching, not telling, controlling and micromanaging.

A new style leader knows that leadership is all about your people being inspired by you, not intimidated by you. Here are some essential things to keep in mind: always show by example, lead, do not push, make sure you do and say the same thing, if you have a bad day acknowledge it, if it goes wrong look at yourself, when it goes right let others know you appreciate it, admit when you have got it wrong – if you do this it will encourage others to do the same this will give you the feedback you need.

Do you want to transform from a boss into a leader?

It is easier to come into a team by being a leader and it’s much harder to turn from boss to leader. The first step towards becoming a leader is understanding the characteristics that distinguish a leader from a boss. Good leaders try something different, have very clear plans and goals, understand their people, while bad ones don’t organise, fear their people, always indulge the “difficult star performer”. Which one do you want to be?

To have the best results in leading your team to success and growing your company, contact me now!

Boyd Mayover is the Founder of The BM Group, a training company that has helped over 540 negotiators in 2020/2021 improve conversion rates, gain great reviews and boost profits.

01923 85 5427 www.boydmayover.com boyd@boydmayover.com